- Wellness Exams
- Vaccinations
- Pediatric Care
- Geriatric Care
- Hospice Care
- Behavior and Nutritional Consulting
- Skin and Ear Problems
- Parasitic monitoring and control
- Blood work screening and assessment
- Hospitalization and intensive care
- Pain management
- Emergency Services (during normal business hours)
- Dental exams
- Radiology
- Client Services
- Day boarding and drop off services
- Micro-chipping
- Nail trims
- Anal gland expression
Specialty Services:
- Ultrasound
- General Surgery:
- Includes but is not limited to:
- Routine spays and neuters
- Soft tissue surgeries
- Mass removals
- Ophthalmic procedures
- Ultrasonic dental scaling and polishing
- Dental extractions
To ensure the safety and comfort of our surgical patients, we offer the following services:
- Preanesthetic bloodwork screening to monitor for potential metabolic problems
- IV catheters are placed
- IV fluids are administered if the procedure lasts longer then 20 min,
- Heart rate, pulse ox, temperature, EKG, and blood pressure are monitored while under anesthesia.
- We use gas anesthesia for all of our surgical procedures (the same gas anesthetic that is used in human hospitals)
- Patients are placed upon a heated surgical table to minimize heat loss and postoperative complications
- Patients are closely monitored by skilled veterinary assistants during the recovery phase of surgery, and are given appropriate pain medications to manage any post-operative pain they might experience.